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Naval Officer arrested over disappearance of youth

The FCID today arrested Naval Officer Lieutenant Commander Anil Dhammika over the 2008 abduction, extortion and disappearance of a youth from Kotahena.
Charges are also being investigated against him over allegations of dismantling parts of the van belonging to the abducted Tamil youth in 2008 and selling the parts.
The said abducted youth had been detained at the Welisara Naval base and the van belonging to him had also been dismantled and sold as parts at the same Naval premises.
The dismantled parts of the van had been taken out of the Welisara Naval camp and reassembled at another location. However, the CID has succeeded in locating the vehicle at a certain location.
Further, this officer had also extorted ransom from the family of the youth in order to release him.
The CID is facing huge resistance from the Navy over the arrest of the Lieutenant Commander.
However, the naval officer is due to be produced before the Colombo No. 3 Magistrate’s Court.

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